Think Curbside for Your Electricity Plan
The smartest and most convenient way to shop electricity rates.
We all know how rare free time is these days. Between school, kids, and work, there isn’t much time for normal things like grocery shopping or cooking.
That’s why curbside pickup has become so popular! Why waste your time strolling the aisles when you can have someone else do it for you? Now what if I told you the same service exists for finding the best electricity plan for your home?
Let Energy Ogre “Shop” for You!
Have you ever found your own electricity plan thinking it would be cheap but almost had a heart attack when you received that first bill? Well, Energy Ogre was created to stop that once and for all.
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How Does Energy Ogre Work?
To keep it simple, Energy Ogre…
- Looks through thousands of electricity plans and companies on the market
- Finds the best plan for your home that lines up with saving money, how much electricity you typically use, and future renewal periods
- Signs you up and manages your monthly payments so you don’t lift a finger
- Keeps an eye on the market while you’re in contract in case rates drop and a better option becomes available
Doing the research and calculations to find the best electricity plan yourself is too time consuming and hard to understand. Let Energy Ogre handle the boring stuff so you just sit back, relax, and save money. Your wallet will thank you!
Click the button below to use our free energy savings calculator to see how much money Energy Ogre could save you!
Energy Ogre Is Your Consumer Advocate
And before you ask, Energy Ogre is completely unaffiliated with any retail electricity provider we sign our members up with. As your fiduciary, we do not receive any sort of compensation or kickbacks from the companies we do business with. We always keep your best interest front and center. The company we put you with is purely based on which one is calculated to save you the most money in the long run.
See What Our Fans Have to Say
Energy Ogre members have saved more than $243 million since 2018! Our Houston-based team is so thankful to work on behalf of Texans, and hear they appreciate our service..
Cheap Electricity Rates Coming Up!
Curbside pickup is quick and easy, just like using Energy Ogre. Cross another thing off your to do list and go with the Ogre, your personal shopper. You’ll have more time to focus on the important things in life, while we handle the electricity. Just wait until you get that first bill. We promise you won’t regret it.
We shop. We manage. You save!
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