What is Smart Meter Texas?


Smart Meter Texas is a service managed by the four major utilities in Texas. They keep track of your electricity consumption, and provide a portal where you can view how much electricity you have used in the past. They also protect your data, which means they need you to authorize sharing it with Energy Ogre.

I got an email from Energy Ogre asking me to click a link

Occasionally, SMT will need you to reauthorize Energy Ogre, and we will forward you that email. We need you to click on the link.

What happens if I don't click the link?

If you don't click the link, we stop getting the data that helps us save you money.

Why can't you click it?

Our ogres can't click the button, because we don't own your data. So we can't give that permission, only you can.

Tell me more about how usage works

The electricity you use is tracked by your electric meter, which sends your readings to your utility for billing. We call these readings "usage", and it is the flour with which Energy Ogre bakes our bread, so to speak. We use your data to create a constantly updating model of your future electricity needs. This helps us pick the electricity plan that makes the most sense for you, and also saves you the most money.

The meter tracks how much electricity you used every 15 minutes, leading to a 96 time/value sequence of data every day of the year. This, along with data about the weather, your home and a whole lot of math, is how we forecast your electricity needs.

… I want to tell everybody AGAIN about the greatest thing I have ever found regarding any utility bills. Energy Ogre.

Best decision I have made in a long time - I saved $100 this month alone :)

… Thank you Energy Ogre! I will never be without you again!

I've saved a LOT of money and don't even have to think about it. One less thing for me to worry about.

… So amazing. It saved me $200 this month and paid for itself immediately.

Kreg K.

Stephenville, TX

Mary Freemon

Fort Worth, TX

Jennifer H.

Magnolia, TX

Judy G.

The Woodlands, TX

Kristoph S.

Katy, TX
